

I was an Assistant Deputy Minister with the BC Government in the Indigenous relations, natural resource and tourism ministries.

Now, I 

▸ lead workshops on Indigenous relations, government structure, and "how to brief",

help Indigenous organizations navigate the provincial government,

▸ provide Indigenous relations guidance to businesses,

▸ take on writing and research projects for NGOs, the private sector and government, 


▸ produce podcasts based on my workshops, like the ones below.

Recent clients include the First Nations Summit Society, Destination BC, MODUS Planning, and the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.

Introduction to Indigenous Relations in BC

I've condensed my "Introduction to Indigenous Relations in BC" workshop into eight short sessions. 

You can listen to them as a podcast, or download the MP3s here. The links to the YouTube videos are here

They're meant for people who are new to Indigenous relations in British Columbia, and need an overview of some of the key points. 

Are they as good as one of my workshops? 

Heck, no. You don't get the questions and answers, and the general discussion that adds real value. You also don't get my anecdotes, which is arguably a good thing. 

But they're free, and the Creative Commons license I've applied allows them to be shared and adapted, subject to giving me credit.


Dealing with the BC Government:

An Overview for Indigenous Organizations 

The BC government is terrible at explaining how and why it does things. 

As an Assistant Deputy Minister in the Indigenous relations, natural resource and tourism ministries, I worked with Indigenous organizations and saw how frustrating it can be to deal with politicians and the public service.

So I’ve taken the “Structure of the Provincial Government” workshop I do for public servants, and adapted it as a two-part video podcast for Indigenous organizations. And I’ve added new topics that might be useful.

Session 1 is about understanding the complex structure of the BC government. Having an idea of how it all fits together makes it easier to figure out who to talk to, and when.

Session 2 builds on that by touching on a number of topics, including tips on meeting with and writing to Ministers, how government makes major decisions, the role of the public service, and a quick introduction to its natural resource policies.

You can watch them here.

You can reach me at:

                    Read more about my favourite side gig, at: Tech Help For Seniors